

Tips & Tricks for Field Research: Intercept Studies

Darshana Tuladhar

You may wonder what situations are best suited for intercepts and how one would successfully accomplish this type of research. Well, look no further, we have put together an intercept field research guide covering the basics.

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Collaborating and delivering design on enterprise projects

Tristan Plank

Here are some things we've learned during enterprise projects about navigating complexity, collaborating with stakeholders, and handing design off to development teams.

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Developing Hardware With Natural User Interfaces

Jake Fleisher

Here are five things we think about, discuss, and practice when we're working in the domain of hardware and natural user interfaces (NUI).

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7 Questions to Ask When Choosing a UX Consulting Company

Roxane Neal

If you're looking for a new UX partner to help you move your product or business forward, here's where to start.

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Five Design Tools for Voice UX

Damon van Vessem

The number of products with a voice component grows daily – just look at the recent announcements of Google Home, the Amazon Echo Dot, and Samsung’s acquisition of Viv. Yet it’s hard to find examples of design tools and artifacts in the voice UX space.

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Blinker Profile: Serena Down

Serena Down

I’ve always loved listening to stories. My relatives used to worry about me staying inside talking to the old folks while the other kids were out lighting off fireworks, but that was where I wanted to be.

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eero Unboxed: Future Meets Reality

Damon van Vessem

As a UX designer, I can’t help but evaluate the user experience of products I interact with. I recently moved into a new house and found myself in need of boosting the WiFi signal, so I purchased the highly reviewed WiFi system called eero.

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The UX of Digital 3-D Interaction

Brian Essex, Ph.D.

With the emergence of virtual and augmented reality, we will have many more 3-D digital experiences available to us. Many of these upcoming 3-D experiences will be interactive, requiring the user to navigate a 3-D space. While it may take some time for these experiences to catch on and become pervasive, They will.

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Why UX teams need diversity

Lulu Xiao

The best UX professionals and teams have a diversity of skills in their arsenals that they use to research, design, and communicate effective design decisions.

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Investigating ASMR in “the Wilds”

Darshana Tuladhar

What if I told you that there are people who are able to feel a sensation without any sort of tactile input?

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Enterprise UX: A State of the Union

Heidi Adkisson

For anyone who regularly designs enterprise software (raising my hand here), you have likely been asked to move a dated, difficult-to-use interface to a modern user experience.

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Brick & Mortar Meets Digital Shopping

Brian Essex, Ph.D.

The retail environment is evolving rapidly. Increasingly, retail stores are leveraging smartphone apps and other digital technology to enhance in-store experiences and to nudge users towards buying products.

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