

Has Work Changed Forever?

Karen Clark Cole

The world has changed as a result of COVID-19 and social distancing. The new question emerging is not so much "how will we return to work?", but rather "how has work changed forever?"

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Blink’s Protocols and Procedures For 2020 COVID-19 Restrictions

Karen Clark Cole

In response to Washington State’s November 15th new Phase 2 restrictions and guidelines, Blink has revisited our health and safety protocols and evaluated the in-person research lab studies that are currently in progress.

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The Future of the Drive-Thru

Kelly Franznick

As demand for the drive-thru continues to grow and the restaurant industry revamps their dining options, what does the next generation of the drive-thru experience hold?

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How to Make the Most of a Remote Design Internship

Morgan Mapstone

When I accepted a remote internship at Blink this past spring, we were all well into national stay-at-home orders. I began to wonder what working from home every day would be like and how long this style of work might last far beyond my new internship. Now, wrapping up my time at Blink, I realize this experience was the best crash course in preparing for what the modern workplace is to become.

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A Quick Guide to Experience Prototypes

Learn the benefits of high- and low-fidelity prototypes and how they can help you get the most out of your user research.

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When and Why To Start a Hardware User Research Program (White Paper)

Blink Staff

Read "When and Why To Start a Hardware User Research Program" to learn how hardware user research can help you create an inclusive, commercially successful product that people use, love, and remember.

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What to Know Before Starting Hardware User Research

Michael Harding

Blink is unique for applying our user research processes and approaches to both hardware and digital experiences. Some of the most complex and engaging digital experiences go hand in hand with specific hardware, and some of the most exciting hardware is useless without a visionary digital experience.

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9 Reasons To Conduct Hardware UX Research Right Now

John Dirks

Chief Research Officer John Dirks explains why you should conduct hardware UX research early and often.

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When Remote Research is the Best Choice (and How to Do it Right)

Mira Rao

What do we mean by remote research? When is remote research the right choice? What are some tips for dealing with the challenges that come along with this approach?

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Mobile Application Usability Testing

Amit Saxena

We are increasingly using smartphones, tablets, and music players in our work and lives, and there are hundreds of thousands of applications currently available for download. At Blink, we regularly conduct mobile application usability testing for different clients who are optimizing their websites for mobile use or designing new apps.

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Workplace Culture: How to Make Hard Conversations Easier

Linda Wagener, Ph.D.

Even people with considerable power — owners, CEOs, board chairs — are often reluctant to have the tough talks that are required for them to achieve the outcomes they desire.

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How Your Brain's Hardwiring Can Help Inform & Influence a Career Path

Linda Wagener, Ph.D.

Nature and nurture are both critical to your career path, and so at Blink, we focus on both of these in our employee development.

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