

What You Need to Know About Business-to-Employee User Experience

Kelly Franznick

We answer the question, "What is B2E UX?" and discuss three reasons why adopting easy-to-use technology for your employees will enrich your company.

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What Is the Impact of the Proposed Revisions to the W3C WAI?

Joe Welinske

Blink is looking forward to integrating version 3 into its existing accessibility practice as soon as it is formalized. All organizations interested in expanding accessibility on the web should welcome this latest addition from the W3C.

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Conducting User Research and COVID-19

Kelly Franznick

In collaboration with colleagues within and outside of Blink, plus a fair amount of experimenting at home, Chief Innovation Officer Kelly Franznick put together a set of protocols for a safe return to our user research labs.

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Workplace Culture: Gender Equity at Blink

Linda Wagener, Ph.D.

Blink is a bit of a rarity in the tech industry by virtue of its long history of commitment to gender equity.

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Making an Impact Through Community Commitment

Nickelle Sletteland

We are passionate about partnering with local UX community organizations in all our studio locations.

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Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021

Karen Clark Cole

This International Women’s Day, we asked women in leadership at Blink to talk about equity and the importance of gender diversity and representation. Read on for a response from our CEO and co-founder, Karen Clark Cole.

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Blink loves Mars

Karen Clark Cole

Blink is extremely proud of our friends at NASA, who successfully landed the Perseverance Rover on Mars this week.

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Digital Banking Trends and Challenges

Kelly Franznick

Banks are bottom-line driven, so if you work in the banking or finance industry, you'll want to be aware of what the top digital banking transformation trends are, how to develop a mobile banking app, and what the future of the banking industry looks like.

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Understanding User Experience: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

McKayl Barrows

At Blink, the user experience is engrained in everything we do. Here's how we define UX and why it's important for you and your company.

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How We Created a Thriving Culture By Measuring Data, Not Beer

Karen Clark Cole

In 2017, CEO Karen Clark Cole wrote about our evidence-driven approach to company culture in her column for Forbes. The lessons and reflections ring truer than ever in an unprecedented year.

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Accessibility in the UX Industry and at Blink

Lynsey Lacher

Accessibility in the UX industry and at Blink In October studio manager Lynsey Lacher interviewed Joe Welinske, accessibility director and ConveyUX program manager for National Disability Awareness Month.

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Competitor Analysis Service at Blink UX

Identify your market competitors to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Contact us today to learn more about conducting competitor analysis for your product, service, or experience.

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