

Mind Mapping as a Useful Tool in Navigation Studies

Tom Satwicz, Ph.D.

Usability studies are great for identifying issues that prevent users from getting things done, however our goals for user research often encompass trying to gain insight into what users understand about the overall structure and layout of a system. Recently I used mind mapping in a body of work around mobile navigation and found it was an effective and helpful research tool.

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Getting Started with Apple Music, Pt. 2

Ankitha Bharadwaj

I spoke with six active digital music listeners about how they typically consume music. These six participants were then asked to look into Apple Music and provide feedback on their overall impressions of the service and its features after using it in the session.

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Getting Started with Apple Music

Ankitha Bharadwaj

It’s highly probable that I’m part of the last generation that remembers walking into a music store and purchasing a physical thing that plays music. Whether that’s vinyl, cassette tapes, or CDs, these tangible relationships we had with music are quickly fading away.

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Considering Continuity: The Seamless Experience

Heidi Adkisson

Recently, I did something I hadn’t tried before: I was “reading” a book in two separate formats on two different devices.

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Five Reasons Why You Should Professionally Recruit

Nick Leggett

It isn’t uncommon for clients to attempt to cut costs by bringing recruiting for a research project in-house. However, we’ve seen time and again why avoiding professional recruiting ends up costing more in the long run. Here are some reasons why we (strongly) recommend against this approach.

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Trade-Offs In Moderated & Unmoderated Usability Testing

Siri Mehus, Ph.D.

At Blink we practice evidence-driven design. That means that the design recommendations and decisions we make are grounded in solid data and sound reasoning. But what counts as good evidence? What are the data and reasoning that stand behind a well-motivated design decision?

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The Future Will Not Be What You Expect

Kelly Franznick

This week I had the honor of giving the commencement address for the 2015 University of Washington’s Human-Centered Design and Engineering Department graduation ceremony.

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Eight Tips For UX Projects In Complex Domains

Roxane Neal

How do you provide value quickly to your client or to your product team? How do you confidently argue for findings and steer designs when you are new to that industry’s domain? Below I share a few tips from Sarah Barrett, a few colleagues, and myself.

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People Are the Purpose

Karen Clark Cole

My vision for Blink is to make a difference in the world through our work and our people.

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How Wedding Planning Taught Me The Secret To Winning UX Clients

Claire Carlson

In just over two months I’m tying the knot. I’ve always considered myself a perfectionist and highly organized, which is why I opted to do all the planning myself and not hire a coordinator. Food, music, venue, photography, décor, invitations, that’s all me.

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Up & Running: 3 Tips For An Awesome Onboarding UX

Tristan Plank

The onboarding process is a critical step in setting your users up for success with your product, but there are a number of considerations and hard decisions to be made when you are designing your onboarding to define how best to get your users familiar with your product and its value.

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The Benefits of Universal User Experiences

Tim Bridgham

Over the past five years I’ve supported users with their technology questions, either as an IT professional or “that techie friend,” and one constant that remains is the usefulness of a universal user experience. Maintaining a consistent design, feel, and set of interactions across devices is at the heart of universal user experience.

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