

User Research Tools for The Optimal Santa

Jonathan Evans

To achieve joy in the hearts of children, Santa must have an amazing process and an excellent grasp of the user experience of gift giving. While others have suggested an alternative solution for Santa’s approach, we here at Blink take a more analytical approach.

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Being Real in a Complex World

Karen Clark Cole

I was recently asked how I cope as a busy person in a world that is becoming increasingly complex. I had to think about this. I’m not sure the actual world has become more complex, but how we communicate certainly has.

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Fundamental Dimensions of Contrast

Brian Essex, Ph.D.

Designers know that using contrast is an effective way to direct attention to a specific design element. But what makes it so effective?

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Path-Finding in Software: User Assistance in Mobile Apps

Joe Welinske

How do people find their way through applications? Generally, words and images carry much of the weight when it comes to path-finding in software. It doesn’t matter whether it is an enterprise-level desktop application, a consumer web site, or a mobile app — text and graphics play an important role in directing the user in performing tasks.

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Sweat the Details: Animation and Microinteractions in Mobile Apps

Tristan Plank

Crafting a useful, usable, and beautiful app takes a lot of work and a willingness to throw your designs out the window again and again until you get things right. Even if you get that far, there are usually at least five other apps out there that already do what yours does. Why is yours better? What sets it apart?

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Humans and the Risks of Automation

Ankitha Bharadwaj

“How can we design systems to use the sophistication of human thinking and decision making, AND the complex computation power of machines to strike a healthy balance of automation?”

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How Blink UX Inspires Corporate Social Responsibility In the Workplace

Kristina Knaus

A recent NPR campaign asked Millennials to define themselves using single words — words like adventurer, optimist, eco-conscious, and activist were among the most popular ways we describe ourselves. These really resonate with me, and I can say without a doubt there is one thing Millennials care a lot about: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

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The UX of Car2Go

Tristan Plank

A few of us here at Blink are big fans of Car2Go, the point-to-point carsharing service that operates the iconic blue and white SmartCars in several cities worldwide, including here in Seattle (you can typically find three or four outside our office on any given morning).

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The fine art of creating experience maps 

Kathryn Kitchen

Here are more details about how we think about target users and their engagement with products to inform experience maps.

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Dear (Digital) Diary: A Powerful Tool in User Research

Jake Fleisher

These days, diary studies can be much richer and more flexible by taking advantage of digital, connected technologies. At Blink we’re developing a suite of internal digital tools that help researchers and designers be more effective; one of these tools is our Digital Diary.

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UX and SEO — A love story

Tristan Plank

If you want to design the best experience for your users, you need to know their stories. Here at Blink we recently wrapped up a project that demonstrated how the “qualitative story” of user research and the “quantitative story” of SEO and analytics can be paired to produce powerful insights that provide the evidence you need to craft the right experience.

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Personal Health Metrics and Good UX: Partners in Healthcare

John Dirks

When coupled with a good user experience, personal health apps and data can inspire positive behavioral or lifestyle changes.

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