Vision Prototypes

Vision prototypes communicate an aspirational future-state of a product or service.

What Are Vision Prototype Services?

A vision prototype can take many forms depending on the context and objective, from high-fidelity interface concepts to a future-state journey map that communicates blue-sky thinking. Vision prototypes can be an effective way to show, rather than just tell, ideas or concepts to stakeholders and others in your organization.


We Help Organizations Transform

Companies have a lot of pressure to change, and a vision prototype can be a change agent. A surprising number of companies lack a common product vision, and it's often difficult to achieve given conflicting organizational structures. Siloed groups, different definitions for the same words, and conflicting goals are often what we see as a significant barrier to alignment.

Without a clear goal, design teams can work in fragmented ways. Divergent teams might create elements that don't align with each other or find themselves working toward different objectives. A vision prototype can serve as a consistent and clear reminder of a shared focus to keep product design moving smoothly. When your designers can all focus on the same vision prototype, it can reduce or eliminate any irrelevant elements that could deter from the final goal and use up valuable time and effort.

A vision prototype does more than keep your team on track. It can also be a powerful representation of the types of things you want to see in the final digital product. It identifies your overall image and lets you share it with stakeholders and others who need to know what's going on but might not be involved with development.

Vision prototypes don't need to be time-consuming, either. Even low-fidelity prototyping can provide extensive benefits. As long as your vision prototype identifies clear goals and creates a basic structure for the design team to follow, it can help add focus and narrow down the concept for stakeholders. Many prototype formats can also be used for user testing.


The Power of the Design Process

Blink believes the design process is the most powerful tool for alignment in these situations. Done properly, the design process integrates values, goals, and language from stakeholders so the vision feels like a natural extension of the company. And it's grounded in something that all organizations can agree on — making the customer happy.

Some of the benefits of vision prototyping include:

  • Clear visual representation
  • Focused design efforts
  • Identification of priority elements
  • Testable programs to gather user data

Do you need to create a product vision?

Are you ready to wow your company with innovative, new prototypes? Let Blink help you become the change agent your industry needs. Contact our team of expert designers to see the impact of our work

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