Doctor listening to a child's heartbeat with a stethoscope.
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Sep 15, 2014 | Updated Jun 3, 2024

Personal Healthcare Metrics and Good UX

John Dirks and Tom Satwicz are featured in User Experience Magazine for September 2014.

Blink UX’s John Dirks and Tom Satwicz are featured in User Experience Magazine for September 2014.

Countless personal health and wellness applications have been developed over the past few years, and more spring up all the time. The ubiquity of devices, health-focused apps, social networks, and other digital tools all enable users to set new goals and regularly collect and track their own personal data toward achieving them. Collecting this personal or “small” data in many facets of life is known as the Quantified Self (QS) movement. When coupled with a good user experience, personal health apps and data can inspire positive behavioral or lifestyle changes.

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