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3 min

Creativity, Collaboration & Confidentiality

So how do we get together and collaborate on ideas when a project is top secret? When only one person at Blink knows what the client is working on, and only a handful of employees at the client’s company even know what it is?

2020 03 05 Convey UX Seattle Jessica Yurinko Photography 198 1

2 min

Designing for Disengagement: The Art of Disappearing Technology

Increasing engagement is a clear way to increased revenue, as well as brand awareness and loyalty. This has resulted in some truly awesome, fun, smart products. Unfortunately we’ve also seen a whole slew of others made in the hope that adding daily reminders and superfluous gamification elements will translate to success.

Which Soft Skills are Essential for UX Pros

2 min

Which Soft Skills are Essential for UX Pros?

Everyone talks about the required hard skills it takes to succeed in the world of user experience. HTML5, a background in ethnographic research, and the ability to create prototypes—these are not trivial skills and are a must for any UX team. But nobody tells you the soft skills required to succeed on that same team. Until now.

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3 min

Choosing the Right Level of Fidelity for Your Wireframes

At their core, wireframes are an efficient, iterative communication tool.

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2 min

Six Evidence-Driven Best Practices for Game Websites

As a user researcher here at Blink UX, I’ve spent some time assessing and testing websites for the game industry. Game websites have a variety of audiences with unique goals, but the most notable ones are these:

Healthcare Web Healthcare

1 min

Improving the User Experience of Healthcare Provider Websites

Blink has worked with a variety of healthcare providers over the last several years to understand the users of their websites. The results of this work have been research-based recommendations and design solutions that address many common challenges. Today, we are publishing a whitepaper that summarizes the challenges providers face online, and how a research-based approach to user experience can help meet the needs of their patients and employees.

Beyond Scope Severity

2 min

Beyond Scope & Severity: A Better Way to Prioritize Usability Issues

A list of usability findings can be difficult to parse: they are long, highlight negative aspects of your design, and no matter how diligently your team works, they never seem to disappear completely. Despite these facts, there is hope.

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0 min

Usability Testing of Fruit

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you did a usability test of fruit? We did. Blink created this fun look at something near and dear to our hearts – usability testing. We hope you enjoy it!

In Home User Research Building Rapport Before After Stepping Through the Door

5 min

How to Build Rapport Before & After Conducting In-Home User Research

I was asked recently what steps we take to make participants feel more comfortable with in-home interviews or observations. This article contains some practical tips about ways to build trust and rapport prior to and while interacting with participants in their homes. Why bother? Because raising comfort levels leads to better research observations, which is why we go out to people’s houses, condos, or apartments in the first place!

Understanding User Expectations

1 min

Understanding User Expectations

Understanding user expectations has enabled us to make detailed recommendations and help clients deliver great user experiences. From our research, here are two examples showing how expectations influence the user experience.

The Value and Limitations of Customer Initiated Feedback

7 min

The Value and Limitations of Customer-Initiated Feedback

Blink once evaluated an in-flight email application for a client. It had already been in use as a beta and the client was aware of a few wrinkles in the UI. So it came as a shock when not a single participant in the study could figure out how to open an email in the application. All the while, a feedback option had been available.

Designing a Unified Web and Mobile Web Experience

5 min

Designing a Unified Web and Mobile Web Experience

Understanding and attending to the user experience, in addition to the end product, across platforms as a guiding focus for design, can encourage greater customer satisfaction and minimize user confusion.

Lessons from Usability Testing Designing for the Real World

3 min

Lessons from Usability Testing-Designing for the Real World

When designing a new system (or redesigning an existing one), it’s important to keep the user’s real-world context in mind. A lot of thought and effort will hopefully go into making sure the product delivers the right set of features, has the right look and feel, and abides by standard UI conventions. But designs that seem solid conceptually can still fail if they do not take into account how real users will interact with them in the real world.

Increasing Your Chances of Successful Design Decisions

3 min

Increasing Your Chances of Successful Design Decisions

In the ideal world, every design decision would be informed by user research or usability testing. But in the real world, that’s not always possible. Sometimes, you just have to rely on your own internal decision‐making abilities. Below are some tips we’ve found helpful for increasing the odds of a successful user experience, regardless of the resources available for a project:

01 Turning usability findings into design changes

7 min

Turning Usability Findings into Design Changes

A Recipe for Effective User Interviews

4 min

A Recipe for Effective User Interviews

The ingredients are simple: two people, a quiet place to sit and talk, and a video camera to record the session. Still, getting the most out of an interview requires careful planning and a thoughtful technique. Here I share some insights that guide my own approach to interviewing.

Eye tracking heatmap

5 min

Eye Tracking Usability Studies

To determine what usability study participants look at and take in while viewing online media, we used to watch their mouse cursors, interactions with links and controls, and body language. We also listened carefully to their think-aloud narratives and comments. These traditional testing techniques, however, could never tell us definitively what users notice and what they don’t. Eye tracking usability studies open up a new frontier.

Real World User Centered Design

6 min

Real-World User-Centered Design

A couple of months ago, I was part of a panel discussion on “Real-World User-Centered Design.” The topic was the outgrowth of questions from a more introductory forum on user-centered design (UCD) principles. After the introductory forum there were still many burning questions—specifically, how do you adopt and adapt UCD principles to real-world organizational constraints?

The Art of the Conceptual Prototype mark gsellman

3 min

The Art of the Conceptual Prototype

If you’re not familiar with mind mapping, it’s a handy way to visualize ideas and the connections between them for all sorts of contexts.

Making Design Collaboration Work

6 min

Making Design Collaboration Work

At Blink, we feel one of the greatest strengths we bring to clients is the extent to which we leverage our internal expertise—and work with clients—in a collaborative way. But effective collaboration is not a slam-dunk. The key is to tap into individual competencies and perspectives in a way that improves the outcome rather than hinders it.

Objects and Actions Analysis 1

3 min

Objects and Actions Analysis

Objects and actions analysis is a method of documenting what data (objects) need to be manipulated and what functions (actions) can be performed on the objects. A key benefit of the analysis is representing system functionality without consideration of how the interface needs to look or behave.

Matching Prototypes to Research Goals geoff

2 min

Matching Prototypes to Research Goals

One of the most important parts of planning for any type of user research or usability testing is a clear set of research questions: what do you want to find out as a result of the study? It seems like an obvious step, yet sometimes this is overlooked.

Characterizing Users and Usage mark gsellman

5 min

Characterizing Users and Usage

At Blink we create behavioral profiles, along with key scenarios, to characterize users and usage.