Blink Culture

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California Dreamin'

After three years of planning, Blink’s expansion efforts are starting to take shape, beginning with the recent opening of a new office in San Diego. San Diego is the first of several new West Coast offices, and then we will be heading east.

Find Me on Forbes

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Find Me on

In the spring of 2016 I had the good fortune of starting a blog on in the Entrepreneur channel.

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BlinkThink: Gallery Opening and Speaker Series is Back October 2016!

Join us at Blink UX on Thursday, October 20 in the Seattle Waterfront area for BlinkThink. There will be two interesting presentations and an artist’s reception.

Serena Down

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Blinker Profile: Serena Down

I’ve always loved listening to stories. My relatives used to worry about me staying inside talking to the old folks while the other kids were out lighting off fireworks, but that was where I wanted to be.

Met Life Small Business Benefits Spotlight Karen

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Blink UX Featured in MetLife Commercial

Earlier this year Blink was selected to be a featured company in the MetLife small business benefits commercial called “Anything But Small.”

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Why UX teams need diversity

The best UX professionals and teams have a diversity of skills in their arsenals that they use to research, design, and communicate effective design decisions.


6 min

Investigating ASMR in “the Wilds”

What if I told you that there are people who are able to feel a sensation without any sort of tactile input?

Forbes blog

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Blink UX Named One of the Best Small Companies in America By Forbes

Being named on Forbes Magazine’s Best Small Companies in America list is truly amazing. It’s a great honor for Blink UX to represent not only Seattle on the list but the entire West Coast!

College and Career Tips for Future UX Pros

9 min

College and Career Tips for Future UX Pros

If you are a college student considering a design degree—or any degree, for that matter—you’re probably stressed, scared, and unsure about your career path.

People bw

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People Are the Purpose

My vision for Blink is to make a difference in the world through our work and our people.

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How Wedding Planning Taught Me The Secret To Winning UX Clients

In just over two months I’m tying the knot. I’ve always considered myself a perfectionist and highly organized, which is why I opted to do all the planning myself and not hire a coordinator. Food, music, venue, photography, décor, invitations, that’s all me.

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Karen Clark Cole: EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Finalist

We’re extremely proud and excited to announce that Karen Clark Cole is a finalist for this year’s Pacific Northwest Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year award.

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Saying What We Mean: Evidence-Driven Communication Practices

Communication: It’s how we talk to each other. How we talk to clients. It can be nebulous and squishy, yet it’s important and impactful. Communication is directly related to the quality of the projects we deliver, how well we meet our clients’ needs, and the satisfaction we have with our work.


2 min

Ask Your Clients What They Need, Every Day

It’s my goal to build a company that people love. Employees love working for us and clients love working with us. It all boils down to building relationships — myself building meaningful relationships with each employee, and everyone in our company building those same kinds of relationships with each other and our clients.

Playing Legos With Kids Makes You A Better Employee

1 min

Playing Legos With Kids Makes You A Better Employee

A friend told me he usually goes into work late because he’s busy playing Legos with his son instead of racing out the door to work. I thought to myself, “I bet he’s a great employee and gets a lot done.”

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What Gets You Fired?

It sounded absurd to me, but apparently no one at Blink had any idea what gets him or her fired. “Oh dear,” I thought. “That’s a problem.”

2014 A Big Year For Seattles Seahawks Blink UX

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2014: A Big Year For Seattle’s Seahawks & Blink UX!

I’m so proud of so many things that it’s hard to know where to start. Mostly I am proud of every single Blink employee for really taking ownership of our company this year. Below are some of the fruits of our labor…

Being Real in a Complex World

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Being Real in a Complex World

I was recently asked how I cope as a busy person in a world that is becoming increasingly complex. I had to think about this. I’m not sure the actual world has become more complex, but how we communicate certainly has.

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3 min

How Blink UX Inspires Corporate Social Responsibility In the Workplace

A recent NPR campaign asked Millennials to define themselves using single words — words like adventurer, optimist, eco-conscious, and activist were among the most popular ways we describe ourselves. These really resonate with me, and I can say without a doubt there is one thing Millennials care a lot about: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

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6 min

Why the Toughest Conversations Matter Most

Karen Clark Cole, CEO and co-founder of Blink UX, holds closely to the 7 Fierce Principles in her work and life. In fact, she has them posted on her office wall. I asked her some questions about how she applies them.

4 Reasons Why I Love Working at Blink UX

2 min

4 Reasons Why I Love Working at Blink UX

Blink UX is a user experience research and design firm specializing in digital products. What really differentiates Blink UX is our research: All of our client and project recommendations are based on actual end-user observational data.

On Winning the WP Os 7th Annual Fastest Growing Woman Led Company Award

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WPO Names Blink Fastest Growing Woman-Led Company

Recently, Karen Clark Cole and Blink UX were named to the Women Presidents’ Organization’s 7th Annual 50 Fastest Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies award list. I sat down with Karen to learn more about her involvement with WPO and what it meant to her to win this award.

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Blink Joins Tronie Foundation's Mission To End Trafficking

For the past several months, Blink has been working with a truly exceptional and inspiring woman named Rani Hong, co-founder and president of the Tronie Foundation, an international non-profit organization dedicated to end modern day slavery and human trafficking.

Blinks New Offices with a View

5 min

Blink’s New Offices with a View

Blink’s new office space had many requirements; workstations, client meeting rooms, project collaboration rooms, training and event space and most importantly, state-of-the-art usability labs with adjoining client observation rooms. All this, plus it had to be a highly usable space, comfortable to work in and look good.