Strategy and Envisioning Workshops

Many organizations find it difficult to step away from the day-to-day to take a strategic perspective of their product or service. Strategy and envisioning workshops provide an opportunity to draw out ambitious ideas, align on organizational goals and objectives, and prioritize the most effective paths forward.

Align Opportunities with Strategy Workshops

Blink's strategy workshops are driven by the desired outcomes and goals. Blink has organized and facilitated workshops for executives seeking to align on strategic opportunities for their organization, product teams having trouble defining the most valuable areas of their product or service to focus on next, and a variety of other teams and domains. 

Strategy Workshops for Teams of Any Number or Level

Many of the strategy workshops that Blink facilitates include a broad set of stakeholders to maximize the diversity of thought and ideas that are generated and prioritized. While the specific activities performed during strategy workshops vary, the main goal is often to capture a variety of ambitious ideas or concepts and then develop a path forward to meet those ideas.

Blink converges these ideas through various strategic scoring methods to determine which ones are the most valuable, important, and performant. Blink customizes each strategy workshop to the client and team to ensure the activities and outcomes of the workshop are clearly driving toward the goals and objectives of your organization.

Do you need to create a product strategy or vision?

Connect with Blink to learn how we can help turn your business challenges into strategic plans your entire team can get behind. Contact one of our experts to get started.

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