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Mar 9, 2018 | Updated Jun 12, 2024

Work Hard and Create Your Own Path: Women Who Inspire Us

International Women’s Day has a century-long history and celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world.

In recognition of International Women’s Day, we talked to some of the women of Blink about the women who inspire them. Be sure to check out Part 2 of this series, where Blinkers share their thoughts on being women in tech.

I am currently reading Tarah Wheeler’s Women in Tech. I’m inspired by her love for technology, her drive, and her perseverance. In spite of adversity, she has spent years pursuing the thing she loves and encouraging other women to do the same. Hearing stories from other women and non-binary people opened my perspective about the different paths, all the while underscoring parallels from my own experience. Reading the book is sort of like a mentorship — I’m learning from other experiences, getting practical tips, and, most importantly, feeling that I’m not alone out here. -Emilie Harris, Front-End Developer
Emilie Harris, Front-end Developer
Emilie Harris, Front-end Developer
I have been influenced by many famous women—Michelle Obama, Margaret Bourke-White, Sheryl Sandberg to name a few—but the women I work with day-to-day inspire me the most. Many of my managers, colleagues, and clients are women, and seeing the people I work with stay true to themselves and deliver quality, thoughtful work motivates me to be the bring the best of myself to my work. -Lauren Werner, UX Designer
My agee (grandma), Luxmi Devi Tuladhar, is a trailblazer. At a young age, she defied customs by marrying for love and moving to a foreign country, where she did not know anyone, to start a new life. There, she worked hard to learn foreign languages, cultures, and customs. Later in her life, she again uprooted herself and moved to the United States, where she helped raise my sister and me. Despite not completing school at a young age, she learned yet another language and how to read in a different script. I remember her practicing reading at night, with us by her side so she could ask for help when she didn’t recognize a word. She continues to be a pioneer and inspires me to work hard and create my own path in life. -Darshana Tuladhar, User Researcher
Darshana Tuladhar, User Researcher
Darshana Tuladhar, User Researcher
A woman that inspires me is Amy Goodman, the investigative journalist who hosts the radio program Democracy Now. I listen to her reporting independent news stories in the car, and then hop on my bike to finish the commute to the office energized by all the work there is to do. -Serena Down, Director of Project Management
I’ve a dear friend, Cheryl Strayed, who has inspired me for over 30 years. She knew she wanted to be a writer, called herself a writer, and acted as if she were a writer long before she had ever published. I often draw on her strength and idea of acting ‘as if’ — truly imagining, believing in, and having the courage to visualize outcomes as a way to prepare for whatever it is I am pursuing. -Anne Vande Creek, Director of Client Services
There is a woman I know from my church who has been through some rough circumstances in her life but has come through as a strong and compassionate person. She has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know. While she doesn’t have much in terms of material wealth and has a physical disability, giving to others infuses every part of her life: she distributes food around the low-income community that she’s a part of, she mentors youth, and she created educational programs for visually impaired children to learn about gardening. She does everything with thought, care, and intention, and she’s an ongoing inspiration to me. -Teresa Liu Park, User Researcher
Serena Down Director Of Project Management
Serena Down Director Of Project Management

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Tell us about the women who inspire you. We want to hear about the peers, mentors, and public figures that motivate you to succeed. Tweet to us @blinkux with the hashtag #inspiringwomen.