About the event
ConveyUX returned to Seattle from February 27-29, 2024. The event was also available as a virtual experience for people around the world. You can get access to the video recordings and slides and materials by purchasing your On-Demand ticket today .
By the numbers
572 registrants 20 countries represented 30+ presentations Disciplines
Research Accessibility Design Strategy Themes
AI Customer Experience Leadership User Experience eCommerce Financial Services Retail Support Software Dev Transportation/Energy Workshops
Audience at the first session of ConveyUX 2024
Dr. Natalie Petouhoff, CEO of Competitive Consulting Advantage
Speed networking
Attendees mingling between sessions
Attendees mingling between sessions
Blink research team leading a workshop on Customer Success Outcomes (CSOs). From left: Lea Martin, UX Researcher, and Tom Satwicz, Chief Research Officer
An interactive workshop icebreaker
A panel about AI from some of Blink's AI braintrust members. From left to right: Scott Lambridis, Atulya Chaganty, and Brittany Schiesel.
Blink's Head of Design, Byron Baker, spotted capturing notes
Our favorite attendee lounging during a keynote
Speed networking
Blink's Chief Design Officer, Geoff Harrison
Brooke Hopper, Principal Designer, Machine Intelligence & New Technology at Adobe